Program Ads

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Advertisements in our Concert Program

We are listing our advertisers here with links to their websites, where possible.

Stone Ridge Properties
Cathy Toomey
The Coffee FactoryPam Ameen
Custom Sewing
Project Sound
Harbor FramesRobillard Dental
Strategic Words
and Pictures

To purchase an ad, click here.

Advertisements in our Concert Program illustrate the support of our friends, local businesses, and institutions who appreciate the importance of art and culture in our local community.

Advertisements run for one year over two consecutive concert series, four concert performances, and reach over 2400 potential patrons. Advertisements may be submitted electronically in PDF, JPEG or TIFF. Color submissions for business cards and quarter-page ads will be converted to grayscale tones. Deadlines for submitting advertisements are six weeks prior to the performance date. 

Concert Program Advertisements

Ad SizeColor
Quarter-Page (4.75 x 1.875 inches)$150.00
Vertical Quarter Page (2.37 x 3.75 inches)$150.00
Half-Page (4.75 x 3.75 inches)$300.00
Full-Page (4.75 x 7.75 inches)$600.00

To order an ad, click here.

To apply by mail, use the information below.

For a price quote for the inside front cover, inside back cover, or back cover, please contact: (978-992-1409)

If paying by check, please make out to the “Newburyport Choral Society” and send by postal mail, with your camera-ready advertisement to:

Advertising Director

Newburyport Choral Society

P.O. Box 92

Newburyport, MA 01950

For more information please contact us at: (978) 462-0650 (Leave a message) or visit our contact page.