Newburyport Choral Society Announces new Music Director

Dr. Minji Kim

The Newburyport Choral Society (NCS) is pleased and honored to announce that Dr. Minji Kim will become the organization’s new Music Director beginning with the 2023-2024 music season on July 1.

“Dr. Kim brings not only conducting expertise and exciting music programming capabilities, but also a wonderful spirit of enthusiasm and positive energy,” says NCS President Victoria Bushey. 

Currently serving as Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choirs at Gordon College in Wenham, MA, Dr. Kim demonstrated her expressive conducting skills during her recent May audition in front of the chorus. The vast majority of chorus members selected her as their first choice from the three outstanding finalists.

Citing her belief that “community singing is the core of choral arts,” Dr. Kim has a vision for the long-term growth of the organization. “I have a deep passion for bringing infectious joy of music-making to the community” says Dr. Kim. “I envision NCS bridging people together within and beyond the community through thoughtful performances and collaborations with local artists.”

Dr. Kim holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts (DMA) in Choral Conducting from the University of Maryland, a Master of Music (MM) in Choral Conducting from The Ohio State University, and a Bachelor of Music (BM) in Composition from Yeungnam University in South Korea. She has held conducting master classes and has participated in conducting competitions in the United States and around the world.

“I am truly grateful for this opportunity to continue the legacy of incredible conductors in the rich history of NCS,” Dr. Kim says. 

For more information, please contact Brian Greenberg, NCS Media Director at or visit

Author: ncsadmin

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